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St. Patrick's Month

BBSSSSTTT! This is our first ever broadcast! Here, we will do the latest Toon News on Holidays, sometimes Blogposts, and even inside peeks at what is happening in town!

Here is what Mayor Flippy has to say about our most recent holiday: St. Patrick's Month!

"You know what time it is! You better start wearing green! It's St. Patricks Month! Toons of the world, go green!"

- Flippy

You heard him folks! Wearing green is a sign of good luck! Plus, he suddenly got a pot of gold, along with a rainbow that soon followed within his vicinity. If you wear green, good things will happen! If not, the cogs will probably come after you. A toon recently went sad after not wearing green one day this week. A Penny Pincher went up to them and said "You don't smell like money!" and many business phrases later, they went sad! Anyway, I'll decide to keep my identity a secret, as you don't know me quite yet. You will soon however... I am Toontown's News Host, signing off!

- Anonymous PS: Holiday months will typically end on the 25th for breathing room, then it will resume the 1st of whatever holiday month is next.

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Attention all toons

Your way of existing must end. This month will be when our business sales get off the ground, and when all happiness will be saddened. You all are cogs now and must work for Cog Nation. Go and implant

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